Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Tips To Help Your Child Learn Online

Coronavirus has affected the lives of people significantly. The rapid closure of schools, colleges, malls etc. has made a huge impact. Adhering to social distancing, students have been asked to study at home, often through online learning. This is a new experience for many and it’s not easy to convert homes into classrooms on a whim. Here are a few tips to help you out:
1. A dedicated learning space
Make sure that your child has a special place to do study and complete homework. To ensure that your child can pay full attention to the online classes, it’s important to set up a quiet and clutter-free area.
2. Make a schedule
Make a schedule for your child and make sure he/she sticks to it. Children can get fussy and finding time for learning requires planning. With no set schedule, kids might never get around to schoolwork.
3. Reduce distractions
It is no surprise that not every child is fond of studying and even a tiny object can distract them as they have a very short attention span. To make sure that your child focuses their full concentration on classes, make a list of objects like video games, social media, TV, toys that can distract them and find ways to limit them during learning time.
4. Physical activity
It has been proven that exercise helps us think better. When we move and groove, our problem-solving capacity, memory, and attention span improve. Make sure you encourage your child to exercise as well on a regular basis.
5. Reach out to your child’s educator
Your child needs a lot of support at this time. To support your child, set up a direct line of communication with your child’s teachers. Use email, text, phone calls, or maybe even video conferencing to connect.
Delhi International School is offering online learning classes for its students. Located in the national capital, the Delhi International School is one of the top-rated schools in Delhi and has blossomed into a flower having five branches in different parts of Delhi, imparting quality education with an emphasis on Indian values to the children right from the playschool level to the Senior Secondary level

What makes A School Stand Out, Among Others?

In today's competitive times, there are many schools in the national capital, Delhi and every school has its unique quality. Every school has a character, a history, and a culture. Every good primary school must generate curiosity, and willingness to learn new things in the minds of children. It maximizes the learning experience and inculcates values and ethics leading to the holistic development of a child.
But what makes a school stand out among other top-rated schools in Delhi:
Teaching pattern: A good school makes sure to keep up their teaching pattern and methods according to the latest CBSE standards. Not only this, but every teacher of the school makes sure that all the students in their class get an ample amount of attention every day without fail.
-Nurturing: A good school pays special attention to the holistic development of the student. It strives to make the process of learning fun, by engaging the student in various activities.
-Healthy and Safe environment: A school should ensure mental, social and physical well being of its students and also provide a healthy learning environment for them.
-Extracurricular activities: Every child possesses talent, and a top-rated school makes sure to find out what a child is best at, by engaging them in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities to develop their self-confidence and value their talents and skills.
-Parents: The role of a parent is as important as the school's in the complete development of a child. To stand out, a school should make sure that the student maintains a healthy bond with their parents and encourage the parents to spend quality time with their children.
Located in the national capital, the Delhi International School is one of the top-rated schools in Delhi and has blossomed into a flower having five branches in different parts of Delhi, imparting quality education with an emphasis on Indian values to the children right from the playschool level to the Senior Secondary level.

Help your children cope up with COVID-19 Stress

This is a stressful time for everyone, especially the children and elderly. Quarantine or no social activity is a lot to take for a child. Hence, you might notice a slight difference in your child's behavior such as being more clingy, anxious, withdrawn, angry or agitated.
Here's how you can be supportive of your child in these testing times.
Make time for your child: Sit with your child and listen to their concerns. Address their concerns kindly and reassure them. Make opportunities for the child to play and relax inside the house. Pamper them more, give them extra love and attention.
Make a routine: Make sure that your child concentrates on the studies and also has some leisure time. Make sure to create a regular routine and schedule. Create a schedule and a fresh new environment for your child that includes school/learning as well as time for playing safely and to relax.
Keep them informed: Talk to your children about the current situation and what is happening. Tell them what is going on and how they can prevent themselves from getting ill. There is a fine line between keeping them informed and scaring them. Make sure you don't cross that line.
Look for the positives: Keep assuring them that everything will be fine, give them hope so that they don't get overwhelmed by the pandemic.
Delhi International School cares about the well being of its children and hence it is offering online learning classes for its students. Located in the national capital, the Delhi International School is one of the top-rated schools in Delhi and has blossomed into a flower having five branches in different parts of Delhi, imparting quality education with an emphasis on Indian values to the children right from the playschool level to the Senior Secondary level.